Original Opera

EROS AND PSYCHE is an updating of the classical myth to a setting in the 1950s.

It was performed as part of the Grimeborn Festival at the Arcola theatre.

View here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOIEk-YrNTQ

Musical extracts here:


Flood explores the current issues of climate change through the eyes of the ancient Greek Gods - Gaia, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Aether and Zeus, combining opera, film by Frannie Armstrong, narration and the poetry of Robert Frost, James Percival and Florence Earl Coates to re-tell the story of Noah for our times.

The piece is composed & written by Kirsten Morrison and Buffy Sharpe. It has been performed at the Arcola Theatre and at the Camberwell Arts Festival.


The Muses: A song-cycle written and performed by Kirsten Morrison with additional vocals by Peter Shipman (counter-tenor).
